Tuesday, 20 March 2018

P2 Importance of breast tumour margins and how to measure them effectively

P2 Importance of breast tumour margins and how to measure them effectively

Medical School, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
Publication: Australasian Society for Breast Disease 11th Scientific Meeting 5-7 October 2017

Abstract: : In Australia, around 70% of women with early breast cancer undergo breast-conserving surgery either as a primary procedure or after neoadjuvant systemic therapy. It is important to ensure that all tumour is removed during surgery, including all microscopic disease. Residual cancer can increase local recurrence risk (1). Therefore, women who have positive surgical margins are generally advised to undergo re-excision or mastectomy. Currently, 2030% of patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery require additional surgery for positive margins, increasing risk of wound infection, delay of adjuvant treatment, increased anxiety and poor cosmetic outcomes (1).