Thursday 26 July 2012

Sentinel lymph node biopsy using indigo carmine blue dye

Sentinel lymph node biopsy using indigo carmine blue dye and the validity of '10% rule' and '4 nodes rule.'  The breast, August 2012, Vol. 21(4), p.455-458.

Nagao, T., et al.

This is the study which assessed sentinel lymph node biopsy (SNB) using indigo carmine blue dye and the validity of the ‘10% rule’ and ‘4 nodes rule’. Patients (302) were performed SNB using the combined radioisotope (RI)/indigo carmine dye method. Excised SLNs were confirmed whether they were stained and numbered in order of RI count and the percentage of radioactivity as compared to the hottest node was calculated.