Thursday, 2 February 2023


[Clinical Picture] Chest mass in a transgender man after top surgery


by Chandler S Cortina, Amanda L Kong 


The Lancet Oncology CLINICAL PICTURE| VOLUME 24, ISSUE 1, E57, JANUARY 2023


A 37-year-old transgender man presented to the outpatient Breast Care Clinic at the Medical College of Wisconsin (WI, USA) for evaluation of a new left chest mass in April, 2022, which he had noticed 1 month earlier. The mass was painless, and he had no other symptoms. His previous surgical history was notable in that he had undergone chest masculinisation surgery, colloquially called top surgery, 5 years earlier and was on gender-affirming testosterone therapy for the past 10 years. His family history was significant for a mother who had passed away from breast cancer in her 20s and a sister who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39 years.