Prolactin Induced Protein
(PIP) is a potential biomarker for early stage and malignant breast cancer
Anju Gangadharan, Themba Nyirenda, Kishan Patel, Nydia Jaimes-Delgadillo,
Dominique Coletta, Takemi Tanaka, Ayal C. Walland, Zena Jameel, Srinivasa
Vedantam, Sittinon Tang, Ciaran Mannion, Grace Y. Lee, Andre Goy, Andrew
Pecora, K. Stephen Suh
cancer (BC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in women.
Bioinformatic analysis and expression screening showed that Prolactin Induced
Protein (PIP) was differentially expressed in BC. The objective of this
investigation was to characterize the expression pattern of PIP, an aspartyl
proteinase, in malignant and non-malignant breast tissues.