Monday, 23 October 2017

Treating Breast Conservation Therapy Defects with Brava and Fat Grafting: Technique, Outcomes, and Safety Profile

Treating Breast Conservation Therapy Defects with Brava and Fat Grafting: Technique, Outcomes, and Safety Profile

Mirzabeigi, M N et al
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: September 2017 - Volume 140 - Issue 3 - p 372e–381e

Background: Fat grafting has been demonstrated as a means of reconstructing breast conservation therapy defects. However, there is continued uncertainty regarding its clinical efficacy and oncologic safety. Furthermore, the role of external preexpansion (i.e., with the Brava device) remains unclear in this setting. The purpose of this study was to examine the safety and clinical outcomes of Brava/fat grafting following breast conservation therapy. 
Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on all patients undergoing fat grafting following breast conservation therapy. Complications were defined as either a clinically palpable oil cyst/area of fat necrosis or infection. The mean time of follow-up was 2.3 years. 
Results: A total of 27 fat grafting sessions were performed on 20 patients, with an overall complication rate of 25 percent. The mean interval from completion of radiation therapy to fat grafting was 7 years and was not a significant predictor for complications (p = 0.46). Among those who underwent repeated grafting, there was no difference in the complication rates between their first and second encounters (p = 0.56). There was no difference in complication rates between patients with Brava preexpansion and those without preexpansion. Patients undergoing Brava preexpansion had a significantly higher initial fill volume in comparison with those who did not (219 cc versus 51 cc; p = 0.0017). There were no cases of locoregional cancer recurrence following fat grafting. Conclusion: Brava preexpansion was associated with higher initial fill volume in the setting of breast conservation therapy defects.