Monday, 24 February 2014

Defining nipple displacement and the prevention and treatment of the high-riding nipple

Defining nipple displacement and the prevention and treatment of the high-riding nipple. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Jan. 2014, Vol. 133(1), p.64e-66e.

Swanson, E.,_and_the_Prevention.42.aspx

Spear et al. propose a new classification to evaluate the postoperative high-riding nipple. This ratio uses as its landmarks the nipple level, the inframammary fold, and the superior breast margin, based on a method reported previously by Mallucci and Branford. The method is not compared to existing classifications that measure the nipple level (as opposed to a treatment algorithm). The authors use the term “nipple displacement” synonymously with nipple malposition. Nipple displacement, however, is defined more precisely as the vertical distance between the nipple level and the level of maximum breast projection.