Thursday, 31 January 2013

Evaluating sterile human acellular dermal matrix in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction

Evaluating sterile human acellular dermal matrix in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction: A multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Jan. 2013, Vol. 131(1), p.9e-18e.

Venturi, M.L., et al.

Human acellular dermal matrices have gained increasing use in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction. However, some studies suggest that these grafts may be associated with a higher incidence of infection and seroma. To evaluate complication rates after matrix-based breast reconstruction, the authors conducted a prospective, multicenter, cohort study to evaluate a sterile human acellular dermal matrix in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction, specifically, to determine whether it offered a more favorable risk profile with respect to infection and seroma. A secondary purpose was to determine whether the sterilization process affects graft incorporation.