Monday, 25 March 2013

Breast screening controversy continues

Breast screening controversy continues. BMJ 2013; 346:f477.

Godlee, F. [editorial]

When the Marmot report on breast cancer screening was published in November last year, many will have hoped for an endtothisparticular controversy.Prompted by callsi n the BMJ for more honest information on the harms of screening (BMJ 2010;340:c3106, BMJ 2011;343:d6894), Marmot and his committee were charged with asking whether the screening programme should continue, and if so, what women should be
told about the risks of overdiagnosis.

Survival is better after lumpectomy than mastectomy in early breast cancer

Survival is better after lumpectomy than mastectomy in early breast cancer, US study shows. BMJ, 2013, 346:f557

Mayor, S.

Women with early stage breast cancer who are treated with lumpectomy and radiotherapy have significantly better survival than women who have a mastectomy, a retrospective study of US data has found.