Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Lancet Vol 376 Iss 9737 2010

Oral poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor olaparib in patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations and advanced breast cancer: a proof-of-concept trial
Andrew Tutt et al.
pg. 235 - 245
Abstract only

Monday, 23 August 2010

AJR Vol 195 Iss 3 September 2010

N.B. Please contact the Health Sciences Library if you require full text access to any of the following articles.

Positive Predictive Value of Mammography: Comparison of Interpretations of Screening and Diagnostic Images by the Same Radiologist and by Different Radiologists.
Jacqueline R. Halladay et al.

Frequency, Upgrade Rates, and Characteristics of High-Risk Lesions Initially Identified With Breast MRI.
Roberta M. Strigel et al.

Breast MRI After Conservation Therapy: Usual Findings in Routine Follow-Up Examinations.
Jie Li et al.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol 126 Iss 2 August 2010

Evaluation of Outcomes in Breast Reconstructions Combining Lower Abdominal Free Flaps and Permanent Implants
Kendall R. Roehl et al.
pg. 349-357

Breast Reconstruction with the Latissimus Dorsi Flap: Women's Preference for Scar Location.
Steven Bailey et al.
pg. 358-365

Inclusion of Mesh in Donor-Site Repair of Free TRAM and Muscle-Sparing Free TRAM Flaps Yields Rates of Abdominal Complications Comparable to Those of DIEP Flap Reconstruction.
Derrick C. Wan et al.
pg. 367-374

Is a Second Free Flap Still an Option in a Failed Free Flap Breast Reconstruction?
Moustapha Hamdi et al.
pg. 375-384

Relationship between Venous Congestion and Intraflap Venous Anatomy in DIEP Flaps Using Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
Mark V. Schaverien et al.
pg. 385-392

Breast Reconstruction with SGAP and IGAP Flaps.
Maria LoTempio and Robert J. Allen, Robert J.
pg. 393-401