Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Annals of Surgery Vol 251 Iss 6 June 2010

HER-3 Overexpression Is Prognostic of Reduced Breast Cancer Survival: A Study of 4046 Patients.
Chiu, Connie G. MD et al.
pg. 1107-1116

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Vol 125 Iss 6 June 2010

Patient Satisfaction in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction: A Comparative Evaluation of DIEP, TRAM, Latissimus Flap, and Implant Techniques.
Yueh, Janet H. M.D et al.
pg. 1585-1595

Discussion: Patient Satisfaction with Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction: A Comparative Evaluation of DIEP, TRAM, Latissimus Flap, and Implant Techniques.
Beahm, Elisabeth K. M.D and Walton, Robert L. M.D.
pg. 1596-1598

Immediate Breast Reconstruction with Direct, Anatomic, Gel-Cohesive, Extra-Projection Prosthesis: 400 Cases
Delgado, Jorge Fdez M.D et al.
pg. 1599-1605

Acellular Human Dermis Implantation in 153 Immediate Two-Stage Tissue Expander Breast Reconstructions: Determining the Incidence and Significant Predictors of Complications.
Antony, Anuja K. M.D et al.
pg. 1606-1614

The Combination of Fibrin Glue and Quilting Reduces Drainage in the Extended Latissimus Dorsi Flap Donor Site.
Ali, Syed N. F.R.C.S.(Plast.) et al.
pg. 1615-1619

The Diamond Double-Opposing V-Y Flap: A Reliable, Simple, and Versatile Technique for Nipple Reconstruction.
Lesavoy, Malcolm M.D and Liu, Tom S. M.D., M.B.A.
pg. 1643-1648

NEJM Vol 362 Iss 22 2010

Longer Therapy, Iatrogenic Amenorrhea, and Survival in Early Breast Cancer
Sandra M Swain et al.
p. 2053
Abstract only

Taxane-Based Chemotherapy for Node-Positive Breast Cancer -- Take-Home Lessons
Matthew Ellis
p. 2122
Abstract only